The tale plays out like a legal drama with superhero flourishes but works best when it narrows its narrative focus to Harper and Punchline and not the media and courtroom circus proceedings around them.

The back-up story is a bit more uneven, following Harper Row as she observes Punchline's increasingly successful campaign to curry public support.

Tynion's scripting reads like neo-noir entirely from Gordon's perspective but the dialogue and exposition are genuinely engaging and marries well with March's artwork, keeping in line with their previous collaboration on the main Batman title. March and Prianto's artwork revealing elevate this narrative approach, with every panel showing Gordon the most internally conflicted than he has been in recent memory. With Tynion teaming back up with longtime collaborator Guillem March, with colorist Arif Prianto, the main story is more of an introspective character study on how the Joker continues to haunt Gordon even in the lawman's well-deserved retirement. RELATED: Barbara Gordon's Oracle Is the Center of DC's Current Batman Mythos

A back-up story puts the spotlight on Punchline, picking up from Tynion, Sam Johns and Mirka Andolfo's special on the new antagonist from this past November, as she attempts to win the general public's favor in order to receive an early release for her actions during "Joker War." As the retired Jim Gordon reflects on every the Joker has cost him personally over the years, he is offered the chance to track down the villain to the ends of the Earth.but the former police commissioner is not the only one on the hunt. Spinning out of the events of the crossover event " Joker War" and the Infinite Frontier #0 special issue, Joker launches with the Harlequin of Hate as the most wanted villain in the DCU after the devastating attack on Arkham Asylum. And serving as an extension of the Batman line of comics, the opening issue is complementary to Tynion's work on the Dark Knight that focuses on the Joker's legacy largely through the eyes of the eponymous villain's supporting cast. As the Infinite Frontier era begins, Batman series writer James Tynion IV takes the helm on a solo ongoing comic book series for the Clown Prince of Crime, heightening the supervillain's profile in the DCU. Of all the villains that menace the DC Universe, none are perhaps more infamous than the Joker, with Batman's arch-nemesis not only constantly endangering Gotham City but headlining blockbuster, Academy Award-winning solo films and taking on the Bat-Family in video games.